WIPs Be Gone Week 31

Some progress on a couple of WIPs - specifically #7 and #11.

Don't have a photo of #7 - but it's the Bird of Paradise and I finally figured out what I'm going to do with it and found fabrics for two borders.  I was going to make it a pillow, but as it is raw edge applique, I've decided it's too delicate for that. So I'm making a wall hanging.  I hope to have a photo for next Friday.

WIP #11 is another long term project - it has 49 blocks, I think.  I got two more blocks done:
 They were so easy I don't know why I hadn't done them before. Guess I couldn't find my round-to-it. Working on a third one - it has applique.

Oh, and I finished another B3 quilt top - this is for the August offering at the Guild. Now to send off the pattern to my three testers.  Measures 30" square for the NICU at local hospital. A great one for large prints.

What are you up to? Would love to see it, whether finished or WIP progress or an old post. Share your goodness. Linky below ends Monday, midnight.

I'm linking to Amanda's Finish it Friday, Richards Link A Finish Friday, Sarah's Can I get a Whoop, Whoop? because I did finish something, and on Monday with Lyn for BOMs Away because I worked and made blocks.  Bye for now.


  1. Sounds like good progress on your WIPs.

  2. That B3 quilt top is so cute. What a great way to use an interesting print!

  3. I love wall hanging. You really get to enjoy the work.

  4. Those are great blocks, and I love the B3. How many does that make now? So cute and great way to use a print or panel. I look forward to seeing #7, after that description. =)

  5. Wow Angie. 31 weeks already. You are good. Beautiful job.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

Flimsy Coming Soon

Three days of playing with scraps and yardage. Just need 2 borders to make this a finished baby quilt flimsy. Blessings,