WIPs Be Gone Week 16

Another WIP is gone!  This one I numbered as #8.  Been hanging around for a while and glad it is out the door:
Edging all done and ready to gift. A bit bigger than the usual St. Anne's 36" square, but some Mom will surely like it for her little one.  And I'm quilting #9 now:
Here's when I was SITD the middle row - after that it just got easier.  Here's all the squares stitched:
For novices to FMQ, I do recommend a busy background - you won't see mistakes if you have any and will be more encouraged to keep practicing. And I've started some quilting in the squares:
Here's a donut I started for WIP #3.  I was working on it at my friends house when we had a mini bee. You can see I got distracted. Off to find the seam ripper. 
Lastly, I found some flowers hidden under my climbing Cecil Brunner rose. I rescued them and brought them indoors:
It feels good to have something to show you. How are you doing on your wips?Would love to see - doesn't have to be a finish, but we'll admire those, too.  Linky below - remember it doesn't have to be a new post, just one that shows a WIP.  Ends Monday, midnight.  I'm linking to Sarah's Can I get a Whoop, Whoop?, Amanda's Finish it Up Fridays, FMQ Mavericks,  and Richard's Link a Finish FridayLots of eye candy there.  


  1. Wow--your flowers are beautiful--I haven't had even a peek of green coming up yet!

  2. I watched the video again yesterday for the edging. Is that progress....giggle. Company coming this weekend.

  3. I have a pot of those beauties on my patio. They seemed to bloom all at once this year. Good idea to bring some of the beauty inside.

  4. Gorgeous flowers! I agree with what you say about using a busy backing so mistakes aren't so obvious - works every time! Enjoy the Spring!

  5. Such pretty blankets! Love those flowers - are they lilies?

  6. Someone's going to love those blankets. Love that orange binding on the one! Getting ready to start my next donation quilt today. Oh, and those are some of the most intensely colored lilies I've ever seen...beautiful. Glad you found them before the bloom was off.

  7. ...quilts, I mean. Got baby blankets on the brain!

  8. Hello Angie,

    Having seen the quilt for Lily all finished, it is interesting seeing it earlier on - a fair bit of quilting! The mini-bee sounds like a great idea - shame about the unpicking.

    Thank you for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks while I was away.

    Love, Muv


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

Flimsy Coming Soon

Three days of playing with scraps and yardage. Just need 2 borders to make this a finished baby quilt flimsy. Blessings,