Wow, a Stash and Design Wall Monday Report

First a stash report for week 3.  I used .25 yard of fabric to bind the UFO I finished.  I'll post it Friday. Then I used .26 yard to line a happy bag.  You can see the pattern here.  It is the first link on the page.  It only takes an hour to make one of these. I pulled a half yard of yellow dyed fabric for my Soupcon QAL. I also pulled some fabric to donate to my guild - 11 yards worth.  So here are my numbers:

Out this week:    1.01 yards;   YTD:       4.45 yards
Donated:          11.00 yards;     YTD:   11.00 yards
In this week:       0.00 yards;     YTD:     0.00 yards

Total YTD used                                   15.45 yards

I'll link to Judy's Stash Report and tomorrow I'll add some more to this post.

On my design wall are two sets of blocks I'm working on.  The first set is for the Garden Gate BOM I'm working on.

We were asked to make four these blocks - they're 12 1/2" blocks. The next block will be applique/embroidery. I say we as my friend, Deanna, and I are collaborating on a quilt again.  Here's the last one we made together.
She's making the machine embroidered blocks again and I'm piecing it.

My second set of blocks on my design wall are for a charity quilt:
The blocks come out to 21" and will be used in a disappearing nine-patch.

I'm linking to Judy's Design Wall Monday, Lyn's BOMs Away, Connie's Linky Tuesday, and Esther's WoW.
Lots of luscious eye candy there. Thanks for stoppping by!


  1. I love your green blocks! The red quilt is beautiful. I can't wait to see the green one finished.

  2. Those greens are wonderful. I always love the fabrics for your charity quilts for kids, so bright and cheery. The ladybugs are my favorite!

  3. So many beautiful blocks. I love the colors you picked out for The Garden Gate BOM. The red quilt is gorgeous. You are a busy lady for sure!

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing the next block in February!! This BOM is going to be fun. The red quilt that we (Angie and I) did a few years ago has an honored place on the wall in my sewing room! I love it!

    The blocks for the disappearing nine-patch are so cute!! I'm anxious to see how it turns out.

  5. Looks like you have lots of fun stuff going on in your quilting studio right now!!! The novelty prints for the D9P will make up adorable!!!

  6. What a fun BOM that Garden Gate is, Angie! Glad you shared it.

  7. I really like the idea of collaboration. Are you making two quilts, or sharing one?


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...