Design Wall Monday 11/4/13

Let's forget Sunday. Spent it flat on my back between bouts of v and fainting.  Finally went to urgent care late PM and they gave me a bag of saline solution via IV and I was fine. Went home and slept through the night and now back to normal.

On my design wall are my blocks for my next VA quilt. Yes, those are wonky stars - forgot to add seam allowances to the paper templates.  But I think some Vet will sympathize as I'm sure some feel wonky, too. 
I'm also still playing with the circle of hearts for my LE.  While I liked the one with just two fabrics, I'm liking this one with 3 fabrics currently.  Feel it ties in more with the compass as it has one of the fabrics from it.
What's on your design wall?  I'm heading over to Judy's Patchwork Times , Lyn's BOMs Away , and Esther's WOW  to see eye candy.


  1. oh, gosh, Angie - yesterday was terrible for you. So glad you feel normal today! Your 3-fab LE circle is super pretty. It will sure look gorgeous in the mix. And the VA blocks are great. Wonky stars are perfect. :)

  2. I'm glad to hear you're okay after your fainting episodes. I like stars that are wonky, they look as though they are sparkling. Your LE hearts look wonderful. The different fabrics are great together !!

  3. What a miserable Sunday. Glad you are feeling better. All the blocks look great. I like the three colours of hearts.

  4. I'm so glad you are feeling better....:( Blocks look wonderful.

  5. Blocks are great and so is the news that you are back to normal.

  6. I'm glad that you are feeling better. You certainly had a nasty weekend. Continue to get better.

  7. Oh goodness Angie -- I'm so glad you are feeling better today. Please do take care of yourself cuz we LOVE to share and get inspiration from you. {hugs}. Lovin' the 3 colors on the heart circle. I think it looks fantastic. Take good care now. Karen

  8. Oh, my, I hope you are feeling better.
    Didn't you visit the hospital this past summer?

  9. What a nasty way to spend a day. Hope that you are completely sorted out now. Love your LE hearts!

  10. So sorry about your illness. Love the hearts with 3 colors!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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