Happy Quilting on this InterNtnl Quilting Day!

After two intense weeks of activity, am happy to report I have the whole Saturday I can devote to quilting - yeah! - and it's Worldwide Quilting Day.  I love babysitting the DGKs, and working with my St. Anne's group and dining with DH and friends, and volunteering at the library, but gotta' have my quilting. Today, after straightening up a bit and having some healthy oatmeal ( enhanced by Splenda, walnuts, cranberries and cinnamon) I started working on my Guild's BOM quilt again that is my lovely finish for March.  Back is now done.  Here it is on my queen size bed.

Uh - it's a lot bigger than I visualized. Yes, I knew the size, but I'm bad at picturing how big that will be.  So today I'm going to challenge myself to put it together as a QAYG project with a solid back.
I've made several, but only one other one with a solid back.  Better go find on my quilt bookshelf Marti Michell's Machine Quilting by Sections book.  This is the go-to book if you're making a big quilt on a domestic sewing machine.  Click here to see her video on this book.

I'm linking to SewCalGal's Virtual Sew-cial today.  Go on over and meet some quilters from all over the world.  


  1. Having a whole day to quilt is wonderful! Enjoy it!

  2. Thanks, Cindy – I am enjoying it. Getting ready to quilt the first row. It’s pinned and sandwiched. Have to decide what size needle to use with invisible thread. Have you used any before?

  3. It`s just wonderfulHappy quilting!

  4. Thanks, Cindy – it didn’t work for me for quilting, so I’m going to set it aside for raw-edge applique as I’ve done before. I’m now using Wonderfil Invisifil, 100 wt, with a 70/10 needle. So far, so good now that I’ve solved the bobbin tension problem.
    I’m being brave and using a blue on the bottom and a white on the top. Had to fiddle with the tension til the bottom thread didn’t show on top.

  5. Hope all is going well - glad you have the whole day to quilt. QAYG is the way to go on the big quilts! Good Luck! ~Jeanne

  6. I certainly enjoyed having you join the virtual sew-cial to celebrate International Quilting Day. Your quilt is beautiful. Thanks for the tip on Marti's book. I'll definitely check it out.


  7. A Whole Day. I have it, but would freak out after 20 minutes. That's as long as I can sew at a time. No wonder I never finish...giggle.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...