Applique Thursday

So this is what I'm working on: At last I'm back to my Forget Me Not blocks.  Working on the morning glories - haven't gotten that far - these are not on the background I'm using.  I have to print out the pattern sheet on the right side so that I can use the light box, but you get the idea.  Color is all wrong - that's what happens when one takes a photo at night with flash.  The base of the flowers is really a blush of pink, and the base of the flowers are really green - not black.  Took me an hour to find what I wanted in my stash - phew.  The green bits are actually from the pieces of fused fabric I saved from previous flowers I made in this set - a real time saver.  I finished the charity top and the other applique block. I have one more block of Easy Street to finish and I'll be ready to start sandwiching that quilt for FMQ

I'm happy to report that the winner of last week's quilting history book is Beth :
"I hadn't heard of this book, but it sounds like a book that would be interesting and inspiring.  I'll send an email to Beth later today.

Here is the pattern pack for this week's giveaway.  I was going to save this for me to do as it has lots of applique - but I've grown away from this style of wall hanging -I'd rather do flowers.  I'm sure some of you will want it - they really are cute and I thought they would make great banners.
To win this copy, all you need to do is comment or link to have a chance for it to be yours. Or do both and have two chances. And for extra chances, tell your friends about this giveaway. If they comment or link and mention you in their comment, you'll automatically get another entry in this giveaway. Submissions end Wednesday night. Use the blue link below. And remember, it doesn't have to be applique (that you share that is) - all sorts of eye candy is eligible and very welcome - even projects you finish a while ago - it'll all be new to me.
I'm linking over to Esther's WoW post and her beautiful flowers and Pat Sloan's Show and Tell . Do visit.  And Pat - I too, have a ton of projects to start, finish or donate.  PS: buttons are the sidebar, too.


  1. I'd love to enter your book giveaway please!

  2. Looking forward to seeing more of your appliqué. Enter me too.

  3. somehow i missed the forgetmenot bom when it was starting and i came in really late. i really love the blox and i'm trying to decide which blox i'll buy to have enough to make a lap size quilt.

  4. I seem to like all kinds of applique and this book looks neat. Have fun with your Forget Me Not blocks!

  5. I kind of like the "black" flowers!
    very different!

  6. I've seen this book online just this month & it looks like some fun projects inside. Just found your blog & have enjoyed reading over your past entries; good luck with your flower appliques!

  7. This book looks like it has lots of fun projects that I would like to do. Haven't saw the book in person...just on line. Would love to win it

  8. Look like a great book! thanks for the chance to win.

  9. Hello Angie,

    Thanks for the link up and the opportunity to win such a lovely book.

    Happy days to you.

  10. Actually this is last weeks. I've sew a little more on it, but Mick has my camera.

  11. I enjoyed looking at all your work, Angie. A great giveaway!

  12. I like fusible stuff, so I will give a hoot and hope to win. Thanks Angie. love the tote you are making in your Monday post from your weekend work shop.

  13. Your morning glories are very sweet!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

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