Applique Thursday

Well, not much quilting done as I'm sitting here in front of my new computer trying to make sense of Windows 8 = it's so frustrating!  A steep learning curve, and it isn't even a touch screen.  I'm going to try to upload a photo:
Well here it is - I can crop it but I don't know yet how to brighten it so that it looks more like the one in front of me - hope you get the picture.  The windows and door are appliqued.  Still needs some embellishment and the name of the library stitched on.  I'll keep working on it.

So what are you up to?  Still need to pick a winner.  I'm doing this post as a rush and haven't gotten to it.  I'll have to have a few goodie to add to the book to make up for my slowness at this.  Life is still too busy - spent the morning at lab and doctor's appointments.
Would love to see your eye candy!


  1. I too got windows 8.. not the touch screen version. And I thought I would hate it forever. I'm slowly getting used to it.. I still don't love it. I would much rather have my OLD OLD computer back. Why can't they just leave things alone??

  2. I do not envy you learning Windows 8. I just about figured out 7...giggle.

    Big Mick got an iphone for Christmas. I had a hard enough time setting up itunes ID for him to get his free golf course app. Finally got it all fixed up for him. One of the other golfers will have to show him how to use the app.....grin.

  3. ugh ... i was going to make the jump from vista to 8, but maybe i'll wait a while longer. love my pictures program.

  4. Not changing yet. My LT is still too new but probably will go iPhone 5 when my upgrade comes up. Love your stuff Angie. I imagine I will see you tomorrow at Goeske. I found 13 1/2 yards to donate for backs or future projects as Florence decides is best. So that is my start toward the 2013 destash. Wish I had time for a blog.

  5. Great block Angie. I just bought a new computer for my dad and it has Windows 8, of course I'm the computer "guru" here so I have to learn it. There is a little gray photo in the bottom left corner and if you click on that it brings you to a desktop like you had before. That is what I have my dad using. I know the other day he clicked on the Internet Explorer on the main page and it looked completely different. Good luck!

  6. Wonderful block!!.Can´t help I still with windows 7 and like it and also like Vista.

  7. Oh, that looks pretty!

    Wish I could help with the computer issues, but we're Mac folks here.

    I've been working on household organization this week, but tomorrow is my quilting day. Thanks for asking the quesion--it reinforces my commitment to myself.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...