Applique Thursday Barely

I've begun assembling my applique block for May at Esther's Forget Me Not BOM.  I got this far and then badly burned two finger pads of my left hand. I immediately applied ice water to them until the pain went away - over an hour.  Silly me - haven't done something that thoughtless in a long time.  What did I do?  I pressed down on my Clover mini iron on the rod.  Don't ask me why - I wasn't thinking.

Our winner last week of the 5" batik charm was Marcia W.  I've sent her an email.  There's another waiting for someone who comments or links.  You get two chances to get the charm by commenting and linking.

Would love to see you eye candy - applique or not!  Blue button below. 

And for more fun, visit Melissa's TNT Thursday for more great projects. She has some neat living room curtains today and of course links from others.  Enjoy!


  1. ouch! hope the cold water prevented blisters. nothing worse than blistered fingers keeping one from doing things.
    i've found a new-to-me cutting tool to try cutting out small applique pieces. a Precision cutter from Slice. it has a very small ceramic blade in a pen like holder. all it says on the package is that it's safer than craft knives, stays sharp and never rusts.

  2. OUCH is right - hope you heal quickly and can get back to applique work...

  3. Nothing I can think of hurts worse than burns! Hope your finger heal quickly so you can get back to sewing. It's too bad I can't kiss it and make it better like when the kids were little.

  4. Look at you go. Those pieces are so tiny. Hope your fingers are feeling better.

  5. Oh you poor thing! That had to hurt! Your block is looking good!

  6. Here is hoping your finger heals soon :)

  7. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery. Thanks for the win from last week as well!
    This week, started straight line quilting of dolly quilts and playing with fabric as think about the next project - a baby quilt.

  8. Cara W @caraquilts wanted to leave a message but her phone isn't cooperating.

  9. Sorry I missed your Applique Thursday!!! I looked for it early in the morning, had to run out for errands, and then forgot to check back later :( I'll be sure to connect next week :*) Have a great week!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

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