Favorite Things Friday

I'm actually posting this on Saturday as Friday is spent in mourning and sorrow for our Lord.  And tonight we go to keep vigil as we move into Glorious Easter.

I finished that pillow for Alan.  I made it envelope style and it went together pretty good with just half yard of fleece.  And he happened to come over Wednesday, so I gave it to him then.

For Me?
 He started to play with it right away
 He'd throw himself on it and give it a hug
Yeah, I like my owly pillow!

I was touched by his display.  Pillow now resides in his crib.

I'm linking to Shay's Favorite Things Friday - go see what others are sharing.  Button on sidebar.


  1. That's a gorgeous pillow! No wonder he loves it.

    Im late to the owl fabric bandwagon but Im loving it more and more every time I see some.

    I love it when littlies get so much pleasure from owning something specially made for them!

  2. How precious, I think he loves his new pillow!

  3. I see you have a precious little bundle of joy too!!! Thanks for sharing his cute little smile with us today!

  4. What a cutie. Always fun to see them play with something you made for them.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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