Favorite Things Friday 2/17/12

Today's favorite thing comes from my garden.  I bought a Roma Grape Tomato Plant 3 years ago.  And while my husband has rooted cutting three times, in a way we still have the same plant and it keeps giving us these luscious little tomatos.  They have so much flavor.  I thought these in the photo were going to be the last ones, but I see the plant has sent out more flowers and with our mild winter - looks like we will be enjoying some more!  I'm linking over on Shay's Favorite Things Friday (on my sidebar).  Go see what goodies others have to share.


  1. There is nothing like the taste of home grown produce. Supermarket stuff doesnt even come close.

    And the excitement of picking what you've grown is pretty special too!

    A fabulous favourite.

  2. Oh, yum! I am craving homegrown stuff here in the dead of winter. Enjoy those tomatoes!

  3. I'm jealous of your FTF. I grew eight plants last summer and what you are showing in your hand is about the sum total I got from all of them. For some reason last summer was my biggest ever fail in the tomato growing attempts.

  4. Your luscious tomatoes remind me that spring will be here soon. I'm already looking, planning, plotting, drooling over a little patch of ground in my small backyard to transform into a veggie garden. Tomatoes are at the top of the list.
    Thanks for whetting my taste buds.


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