Stash Report 1/1/11

Happy New Year!  It is a glorious day here.  At 11am, I went along the south side of the house and opened all the windows.  Reason being:  79.4 temp outside; 69.6  inside.  We live about one hour and a half north of paradise (aka San Diego) and we get weather like that some years.

I was happy with my numbers for the Stash Report 2011 and hope to duplicate the numbers this year.  So my goal is 100 yards again.  And thanks to Judy's Stash Report blog post each Sunday, I will keep motivated.  My weekly goal is to have something positive to report.  It may not be much sometimes, we'll see.

This week I backed some squares (1.33 yards worth) for our Guild Sampler BOM Raffle.  Used  1/4 yard to bind a charity quilt.  Used a fat eighth to make some squares and another 1/4 yard to make a table runner out of scraps.

So my numbers are:
Used/Donated this week:  1.96
Used/Donated YTD:         1.96
Bought this week               0.00
Used/Donated YTD          1.96

Woohoo!  I'm in the black!
How about you?  Go on over to Judy's blog and see how others did and report your numbers.

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