Merry Christmas and Stash Report 12/25/11

Merry Christmas one and all. God's blessings in the coming New Year.  Last week I attended the last guild board meeting for the year and took fat quarters to give away (another way of continuing to destash - hehe).  Gave away 17 fat quarters for a total of 4.25 yards.  I also made 3 blocks during the week for another fat quarter, so I have a grand total of 4.5 yards for this last week of reporting!  Here are my numbers:
Used/Gifted/Donated 4.5 yards
Used/Donated Yr to date: 112.46 yards
Added this wk: 0.0 yards
Total Yr to date Added: - 12 yards
Total Yr to date Used: 100.46 yards

Woohoo!  I made my goal!  I am so pleased.  There is still a lot left, but if I can do it again in 2012 - I may be able to buy fabric in 2013.  Pathetic - but one must keep positive.

How did you do?  Any stash busting is good! Go on over to Judy's Patchwork Times on my sidebar and see how others did.
Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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