Favorite Things Friday - 12/16/11

Thursday was my birthday. And Wednesday I found this wonderful deal at the grocery store: A pound of Blackberries for 4 dollars!! So I had to make a birthday pie. Oh, DH did treat me to some yummy cookies when we went out to eat, but this was my very special treat to me as I love pie.  LOL - had so much to eat on my birthday, I had to wait until Friday lunch to have a piece.  It is yummy!!
So I broke down and had a nice cup of tea with it.

What is your favorite friday thing?  Go to my sidebar and click on Shay's Favorite Things Friday and see what others say.


  1. Happy Birthday! Your blackberry pie looks divine. :-)

  2. Happy Birthday for Thursday.
    Yum I love blackberries. Blackberry pie - delicious!

  3. Happy Birthday!

    Im a big fan of blackberries. They used to grow abundantly by the roadside here until they started being poisoned off. I have a lot of great childhood memories of black berry picking.

  4. Makes my mouth water! I, too, love blackberries. Happy Birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday!!! What a great looking pie. I had some blackberries in a salad this week which were good, but nothing compared to how good your birthday pie looks!

  6. That looks like a yummmy pie. Happy Belated Birthday. It sounds like it was a good one. :)

  7. 29 or 39 this year?? Hope you had a great Birthday!!

  8. Pie looks yummy, hope you had a lovely birthday.


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