Stash Report 11/20/11

I bound two charity quilts, so there is 1/2 yard.  I then pulled from the stash to make a "We got you Covered" quilt - a new community service project our guild is taking on - lap quilts (36 by 42-44) for patients at our local Veteran's Hospital.  I used four 1/4 yd cut WOF, a 1/2 yard for border, less than an hour of putting it together and got the top shown.

I used Bonnie Hunter's  Streak of Sunshine method, but I used 8 1/2" squares and only the fabrics I mentioned above.  That used up another 1 1/2 yards. 

Then I pulled 4 yards for donations - mostly blues for 34-36" quilts for St.  Anne's.  And here are my numbers:

Used/Donated this week: 6.0 yards
Used/Donated Yr to date: 101.12yards
Added this wk: 0.0 yards
Total Yr to date Added: - 12 yards
Total Yr to date Used: 89.12 yards

How are you doing on your destashing?  Go on over to my sidebar and click on Judy's Patchwork Times and see how others are doing. 


  1. Oh my goodness.. you are creeping ever so close to 100!! I'm pulling for you :) Really!!

  2. Good for you! With the holidays coming on, I don't anticipate any more finishes. However, I don't intend to buy any more fabric, either.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...