Stash Report 7/17/11

Made a charity quilt top and backing, but none of that was from my stash, so can't count it.  It's from the St. Ann's stash of donated fabric we use to make these.  We already have 8 completed quilts stored.  I'm done - it now goes to the members who sandwich and tie.  Then back to me to bind.

Did make a crumb block from a possible new pattern, but Í'll post about that tomorrow.  However I'm counting the fat 8th of scraps today.  Cut up some material for donation, but that was given to me, so can't count that either - it didn't come from my stash.  Did use from the stash for the cardinal, so I'll add a quarter yard for that. So I have a grand total of .38 yards to add to my numbers.

Used this week: .38 yards

Used/Donated Yr to date: 43.71 yards
Added this wk: 0.0 yards
Total Yr to date Added: -4.0 yards
Total Yr to date Use: 39.71 yards

So didn't break the 40 yards this time.  Maybe next week.

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