Design Wall Monday 1/24

Well I was going sale tax crazy, so I just dropped it all and stole 30 minutes to finish a square off of my design wall.  It's 8 1/2" by 10 1/2" .  Is it too big to call a mug rug?  If so, what should I call it - a micro quilt.
In QOR - guess I would call it a quiltlet.  But for now I'm calling it Under the Stone Pine.
The little house block was sent to me by Beth Shibley of LoveLaughQuilt  .  She hosted a house block swap so some lucky quilters could build their own friendly neighborhood.  There were three winners.  Some gorgeous blocks were turned in.  If you visit Beth's blog, look for the little house on her right sidebar and you can go see all the cute little houses.   To see what other's have on their design wall, click on the button for Judy's Patchwork Times on the left sidebar.


  1. I think I would call it a lap pad. Did you ever take a plate out of the oven that was hot, and want to eat it in front of the TV? We do at our house, often, especially during football season. Well, we often need a little something for under that plate, so a lap pad would be fantastic!

  2. Or use it under a hot lap top... mine seems to get really hot these days. That could provide a little "insulation". Very cute.

  3. I love the idea of the lap pad for under a hot plate or laptop! I could use a couple of those as I keep burning my hands/lap with hot plates!

  4. Oh Fun...I am thinking a lap pad too.

  5. Very cute! I have some extra house blocks that got returned to me from a swap and this would be a great idea to use the repeats. Glad you took a break to play.

  6. The size of my mugs say this is the perfect size :)

  7. This is an adorable little mini quilt!

  8. Love your little quilt! It's so adorable, unique and creative.

  9. Truly a micro-mini-quilt that needs hanging. I'm enjoying seeing what everyone did with their little homes.

  10. Very cute quiltlet! Thanks for the tip on checkign out the little house blocks. Have you also seen all the great quilting links at

  11. Very cute! It is not an idea to use it under a laptop! A laptop gets heated up and needs "air" under - we always put something under the laptop to get it a little bit up from the table so it airs. I have heard it may get destroyed if not aired properly.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

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