And here is my rescued Log Cabin

Before the sun set I was determined to take pictures.  Alas it will be in the mail tomorrow.  I forgot I had a 4 hour stint scheduled at the library this morning. This was an interesting project.  Once I got the blocks separated (sorry I forgot to take a before picture), I knew I had my work cut out for me.  But I so liked these chocolate, tan and red blocks.  I'm thinking this may have been made in the 80s - I don't really know - could have been China for all I know - LOL.  Upon examining them, I almost decided to get rid of them, they were so different.  But on second thought, I decided to put them back together as a quilt as you go with sashing.  I kept the worst 2 for parts and decided on a 9 square quilt center.  The previous version (which also was a quilt as you go) had no sashing.  But to some I would have to add the last round, piece batting and back.  Above is one such block.  Phew!  that took some doing - I must have repaired 5 of them - and some I had to take apart to redo the 1/4" seams.  Actually went faster than I expected.  So here you have the front: 
It turned out about 40" square.  There was nothing I liked in my stash that I could use for borders, so I did buy a yard.  It had to be flannel because that was the only fabric that had the color I needed for this quilt.  It looks darker than it really is.  It's more of a
chocolate color.  And this is the back:
I've got about a third of the sleeve sewn down.  This is going to be a wall hanging unless it's used as a table topper.  Lastly, here's a close up of the border and the quilting and you can see the true color:     


  1. Congrats on the finish! Wow! It's gorgeous! I love log cabin, and this one is really beautiful! I'm glad you rescued it and decided to make a quilt out of it - well done!

  2. Very very nice!!! I really like it! My class is supposed to be making one of these too. How do you quilt as you go?

  3. Thank you, Sandy. I love log cabin, but hate to work with so many pieces to a block pattern, so that 's why I was anxious to salvage the blocks, plus I liked the colors.

  4. Every quilt deserves a rescue of some sort--you provided a good one.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...