Quilt as I go Part III

Sorry it has taken me so long to post another part on this method. Life got in the way and I had to take things one challenge at a time. Last weekend I was finally able to devote some time to this endeavor. Here goes:

Section 1 - first one quilted. Section 2 - quilted and to be attached to 1.

1. Lay section 2 wrong side up and pin backing away from edge to attach - here it is done and both sides showing photo A.
When you lay it flat the excess batting will show. You will cut this off flush with the quilt top - photo B. Unpin the backing and cut it measure 1/2" larger than the quilted section. Set this section aside for now. - photo C

2. Now lay section 1 on your cutting table right side up and true up seam you are joining to section 2 as you cut off excess batting and backing - photo D.
3. Now to section 2, pin batting AND batting away from edge. Place the two sections right sides together wish section 1 on bottom, match seams and pin. The sandwich will be 4 layers thick now - photo E. Sew a scant 1/4" seam. When done, lay the quilt top wrong sides up and unpin th batting only. Pull the sections apart and smooth, so that the quilt top is flat. Now cut off excess batting close edge of the sewn batting - photo F. I use applique scissors so I don't accidentally cut the backing, or you could fold the top in half (right sides together) with the batting sticking out to trim. The two battings will now butt up to each other.
4. Fold the 1/2"of backing in half - raw edge under, pin to quilt back of section 1, hiding the seam and and whip stitch closed - photo G.
This may sound complicated - practice on two quilted squares before you do this on your quilt, but once you've done it - it will be easier than it reads.

My top is done - need only add the borders now!

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