WIPs Be Gone

So I won't forget as I did last week, the winner of this past week's giveaway book is Aunt 'Reen.  I've sent her an email.  Now the week's before winner hasn't gotten back to me - I'll send her another email and hope to hear from her, too.

I finished the quilting on my treadle machine generated top. Now ready for the binding. I had hoped to also quilt it on the treadle, but I don't have the right foot. I guess I could try to just use the straight stitch foot as they did back in 1902, however I believe there was a quilting foot then [according to the manual]. Suggestions on where I could find one for a Singer 27?  Here's the back.

                I just did wavy lines because it has so many little blocks.  I do utilitarian quilting on my charity quilts - keeps them fluffy and faster to finish.  I can do a bit more complicated quilting:

Time for another giveaway -how about a fat quarter? You get to choose. Usual guidelines apply: Leave me a comment for one chance.  Link your eye candy for another (link button below). Follow me and let me know for a third. Remember if you don't have a blog, you can always post a photo from a photo hosting service.  Please be sure there is some way for me to contact you. Ends next Thursday, midnight. I'll be linking to several parties.  See tab above.  Blessings!


  1. Giveaways are always fun. And fat quarters have so many possibilities.

  2. nice quilting - I do mainly straight stitch on my donation quilts - it does go faster and I usually do not put in near the amount of quilting that I do on my other quilts. They still turn out well but takes less time.

  3. quilt looks lovely, wonder have you been in touch with singer re a foot fingers crossed you find one

  4. Congratulations Doreen! Lovely Quilting Angie.

  5. Lovely work Angie. Love the wiggly lines; it makes a quilt more whimsical for a child IMHO. Congrats on the finish. ;^)

  6. You know I'm following you via Bloggers. ;^)

  7. The wavy lines are good way to finish the quilt. Looks nice and certainly takes less time than even the wonky orange peels I did for one of my charity quilts where the blocks were all squares too! I will try to remember and do wonky lines for one of my coming finishes! Thanks for sharing. : )

  8. I'd link up what I'm working on now if I were working on something! I'm thinking of a project for this week's Project Quilting, but it's in the "thinking" stage right now.

  9. I am a happy Bloglovin' follower!

  10. Well, I'd love to win a FQ! Thanks for the opportunity.
    I follow you via blogloving.
    And I'll add a link to my Weekly Update post.

    BTW, I noted your work on the Solstice Sampler. I'm plugging away at it -- not sure if I like my colorway. Not sure how wild I am about the blocks. The alternate setting Pat provided is intriguing, though.

  11. I like the wavy lines and am so impressed you're doing that without a special foot! Did you look on eBay to see if any of the Singer feet available would fit? Maybe something that would fit a FW would do? Sometimes they have a parts machine that has accessories, too. Thanks for the offer of the FQ, that's a nice prize! I did link up this week - finally here on a day when I had something to link!

  12. Fun to run across this post from your other post that was linked with Esther's Blog.

    I clicked to follow you through google+.

    I linked up my blog post from today for WIP Wednesday.

    My email is marsha.seiberling@gmail.com I am a no reply blogger and have never figured out how to change it so that people can contact me!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...