WIPs Be Gone Week 19

Well, I did move #10 WIP along - the top is finished as I made 8 more blocks and was done with it at the retreat.  It is now in the WTBQ pile.  You can see it in my previous post to this one.

I've also finished the first block - and it's a big one - for the next VA lap quilt. I don't have a photo of it finished to show you, but here it is with three sides. 
I wanted to show you how I handle sewing square in a square blocks without marking or cutting the corners of my triangles and getting them aligned.
 This particular example has only two sides to it. Think of it as a flying goose with a tail.  
 What I do to get them positioned right is to press a crease at the center of the square and the triangles.  For the square I press it near the seam line with right side in.  With the triangles I press at the center with the wrong sides in.  
 Above you can see the crease in the square and the crease in the right triangle on right.
 I then nestle the triangle and square (right sides together) at the creases and pin.  I then sew my scant quarter seam and press toward the square.  I then do the other triangle in the same manner, but I press the seam away from the square.  Why?  You can see from the photo of the block that the center square within a square is sewn to flying geese. This places a lot of bulk where the two points of the birds meet in the block. By turning one seam in one unit away from the edge lessens the bulk at the seam.  You just have to be a tad careful that the points  meet when joining the units.
How do you handle this tricky piecing problem?   Would love to hear if you have a better solution.

And how about your WIPs?  How are you doing on those?  Would love to see - doesn't have to be a finish, but we'll admire those, too.  Linky below - remember it doesn't have to be a new post, just one that shows a WIP.  Ends Monday, midnight.  I'm linking to Sarah's Can I get a Whoop, Whoop?, Richard's Link a finish Friday, and Julie for her Pet Project ShowLots of eye candy on the NET.  Have a great weekend!


  1. That's how I do it! I love that block. What is the name of it?

  2. Oh, some lucky Veteran is going to love this. Looking great!!

  3. That's pretty much how I do it, though it doesn't come up often. =) Really great block for your new quilt. Thank you for thinking of the veterans so often. Did you see the WWII aircraft flyover this morning? Amazing.

  4. What a simple solution - brilliant! I like the idea of pressing the seam allowances in opposite directions to reduce the bulk!

  5. I think your technique is pretty good! It's going to be a great quilt for the VA!

  6. Thanks for the tip on making Economy blocks.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...