A Giveaway!

Wow - I'm at 495 posts and now have over 300 followers - thank you one and all for sharing my passions. I'm figuring that by next wednesday I'll be at 500 posts and this calls for a giveaway!  How about a couple of books, some fabric, a notion and maybe a finished project.  Interested?  Can't tell you what the specific items will be as this is going to be a mystery box, but it's open to all my readers.  Just be sure if you use anonymous that you include an email for ya so I can reach you to let you know if you won.  I have a question for you below.  Leave a comment to answer that question and you'll be entered.  If you are a follower, tell me so, and you can guess twice.  If no one guesses the answer, I'll do a random draw of all guesses made.  If more than one guess correctly, I'll do a drawing of just them.  The only thing I'm saying is that the answer is not a "number" - LOL - that's what my husband guessed.
Okay here goes:

Here's is my latest Craftsy Block of the Month.  It is for the month of April.  Amy challenged us to come up with a design using hexagons.  I came up with an idea and decided to execute it in extended hexagons. So, your question is:  What was Angie trying to depict in her block?  This giveaway ends Wednesday, April 18 at 6 PM so I can post a winner on Applique Thursday.  Good luck!


  1. Oh how exciting for you! Congrats on so many posts and followers. It's always FUN being in a giveaway... whether you win or not.. so thanks for the chance to dream! :)

  2. Grats on the posts and followers of which I am one of. Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. I'm going to guess that's some kind of garden maze - becuase I can't even imagine what else it could be! Congrats and thanks for the chance!

  4. Sorry, I forgot to say I'm a follower... ooppss! :(

  5. And as a guess... April showers... April flowers. Perhaps a quiet place in the garden?

  6. Hmmm... maybe some one hunched over their sewing machine?

  7. I'll guess a Garden Maze!
    Thanks for sharing!




  9. I'm going to guess "A Secret Garden".

  10. Why does it have to be 'something'? however I do see a Zen Garden.
    thanks for the give way offer.

  11. Could be a garden gate. Thanks for the chance to win.

  12. I'm a follower - looks like a mod LOL.

  13. japanese character brushwork for the word 'april'? far-fetched!

  14. i'm a follower :) how about finger painting as a preschooler?

  15. I see an aerial view of a formal garden path.

    What a great idea: a quilt made up of many overhead garden scenes.

  16. Congrats .............. I would like you to know I am a follower. Your block for April makes me think of a garden maze

  17. I'm with everyone else guessing A Garden Maze - aerial view, of course! ;))

  18. Your garden layout - does the green represent hedges or grass????

  19. I'm a happy if bemused follower!!!

  20. At first I saw a twirl winds and then it look like a garden maze. Anyway, the block is great!
    ;) Thanks..

  21. Im going to guess it's an aerial view of your house and garden (I started at this for a good 10 minutes and even drew it onto paper!)

    Congratulations on your many posts and followers. That's very exciting.

  22. Congrats on so many post and followers.

    Your block is your garden .

  23. Wow...this is a toughy...but it kind of looks like the @ sign. Thanks for the brain teaser

  24. I'm a subscriber to :) I'd guess either a labrynth or the start of a mother holding a child (arms and head :) visible)

  25. Hi Angie, I am a follower.
    My guess is the # of Hawaiian Islands, because so many have said a garden maze already. LOL.

  26. second guess.
    initials of a grand child?

  27. I have no idea. It could be my initials but my guess would have to be something garden related.

  28. I am a follower :) My second guess would be a high chair and table. I'm no good at these guessing games - lol!
    Congrats on reaching 500 posts - definitely something to celebrate!

  29. Lots of guesses for a garden maze so I'll go with that, congrats on so many posts and what a neat giveaway!

  30. I'm a follower, could this be some stems for flowers????

  31. hmmmmm, a sectional couch, loveseat and chair all crammed together?

  32. Hmmm, it does kinda look like a garden maze.
    Oh well, thanks for the giveaway.

  33. To me it looks like a secluded spot in a garden - somewhere to get away from it all to think!

  34. I am going to guess what you see out your window.
    I have spent far too long searching for a clue as to what this could be but I am giving up and going to bed.
    I will just wait until you post the result.
    However, I have signed up for the BOM at craftsy after searching for clues and being amazing and inspired by everyone's work.
    Thanks very much for showing me this great course.

  35. I'm a follower. That reminds me of those large hedges that some houses have.

  36. I'm a new follower and want to say CONGRATS ON YOUR BLOG!!!!
    Now, to me, it kind of looks like a face, of some sort

  37. Oh wait, I forgot to put my 2nd guess....some sort of maze????

  38. I think it's a bench and table for the garden!

  39. And I'm a follower and I still think it's the bench and table for the garden!

  40. I think you're looking down from above at hedges that form a small little secret spot in the middle for reading, thnking or just relaxing. Can't wait for the reveal!

  41. I love a mystery giveaway!! Now this block is tricky... I am guessing that it is the number 67.

  42. I am a follower and can also guess what this block is... I am wondering if it is a birds eye view of a garden maze. Thanks for the chance!

  43. Congrats on reaching these awesome blogging goals! Totally guessing here. Your block reminds me of a maze - hedges and the maze. Thanks for the fun!

  44. Jen Dewey wildrice1354@gmail.comApril 16, 2012 at 2:24 PM

    Hi Angie, is it a picture of you? Ha Ha I'm a follower

  45. Jen Dewey wildrice1354@gmail.comApril 16, 2012 at 2:25 PM

    My second guess is it could be the arrangement in your living room. I have no idea as you can see. jen

  46. I am a follower. I think it is a snail trail.

  47. I am going to guess that it is a turtle on a lap top under a lamp. hahahahahahaha

  48. Congratulations on your achievements. I cannot play the Craftsy videos on dial-up(though signed up some time ago - cannot find the pdf directions that are to be there). The lesson is for English paper piecing of hexagons and making columns - perhaps using fabric contrasts for a pattern of zig zags. To me, it looks like an umbrella for April showers or all the green showing in a garden.

  49. It looks like the number '67' to me. That's my first guess :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  50. For my second, follower guess, I'm going to say a hedge maze (aerial view).

  51. I would have to say LOL, or a garden maze, just like some of the other comments!

  52. Am a new follower

  53. I'm a subscriber. This looks like an herb garden to me.

  54. A head on shot of a turtle walking through a grassy tunnel?

  55. I'm a new follower. My 2nd guess is an arch in a garden.

  56. A sewing machine? Actually, I don't have a clue.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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