Some Firsts

First, you still have time to link to Hexie Weekend (ends Tuesday, Midnight) and get in on the giveaways.  Just go to the previous post.

Another first is I finally have some numbers over a part of a yard to add to my stash report.  There was 2.13 yards for one backing and another 1.13 for a VA quilt backing.  Figured I can't FMQ if I don't have a top ready, so yesterday I started to sandwich two UFOs to get them under the needle.  See my totals on right sidebar.

Then here is a photo of our first tomato for the year:

My DH is not happy with the state of the plant - says it's not as hardy as the one before, but we do have a bumper crop coming along.

Then there is the first yellow cactus flowers:
They're even more beautiful in actual life as I noticed them at high noon which is not a good time to take photos and the pot is too heavy to move.

Lastly, on my design wall is my Soupçon where I have added the first border and starting to add the second one of part 6 of this wonderful project by Karen.

What's on your design wall?  I'm linking to Judy's Design Wall Monday,  Lyn's BOMs Away, Anything Goes Monday, and Something Old, Something New 


  1. Just lovely Angie -- your Soupcon quilt is marvelous!!

  2. Those tomatoes look great. Are you going to can any?
    Love your sewing project. I really like the border with the diamonds and hexies!!

  3. Your soupçon quilt is going to be gorgeous.

  4. Ohhhhhhhh...yummy tomato. I finally finished a block (not a hexie) and linked it.

  5. wow that soupcon quilt is really spectacular. You have a RED tomato? Oh my, we just got ours in the garden last weekend. We don't even have 5 leaves on each plant much less a flower or a tomato, no green, no red. So jealous!

    1. LOL - don't be jealous. Once the heat hits hear it will like the desert and there will be no crops to speak of. I hope to get to the paper piecing part of Soupçon part 6 tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by, Sue.

  6. That is a beautiful quilt. Thanks for popping over to my blog

  7. Your soupçon quilt is looking gorgeous!

  8. Your soupcon block looks great. Love how you added the hexie flowers in the border.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

Back to Quilting

  Back to quilting.  After my mishap, it was slow going to return to working in the sewing room. Since I could only piece, I began two more ...