Design Wall Monday 4/8/13

I thought I had 4 charity quilts to quilt - turns out I only have one to quilt and three to bind.  Am now working on the binding of the third. In the photo above I am sewing the binding to the back of the quilt and then will bring it over to the front and machine stitch it down.  I finished the two others and they are on this pile (the first top two). These will go to St. Anne's for new mothers and their babies.
I'm been reprieved of babysitting tomorrow, so that will give me a good start on quilting the last one and then binding it.  I'm on track to get them done by the 10th to show on the 11th - yeah! My cutting table is my design wall and the extension to the bed of my sewing machine, so that's why I'm showing these today.  What's on your design wall?  I'm linking over to Judy's Patchwork Times to see what others are working on.

Back to binding.


  1. Oh the quilting is so much more fun than the binding!! I got the book, thanks so much! Can't wait to get started :)

  2. Congrats on getting this off your to do list!

  3. just keep on going like the energized bunny. I'm fighting for computer time with all the grandkids. Nothing going on here but cleaning the kitchen over and over and over..........................giggle.

  4. I'm sure the moms and babies appreciate all your hard work!

    1. Thank you, Claire. I would have replied directly but I don't know how to use OpenID. The mothers are very appreciative and so is the staff of the clinic because they want to have something to give these young mothers. It was nice of you to stop by.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

Back to Quilting

  Back to quilting.  After my mishap, it was slow going to return to working in the sewing room. Since I could only piece, I began two more ...