Winners and winnings on WIPs Be Gone Week 34

First, congratulations to Sally over at Q Bits .  She won the Edyta Sitar book from my giveaway last week.  Her link took me to her quilt show and it is amazing. Here's the photo she shared of some of her great quilts.  Well worth visiting.

And speaking of winners - I won!  I came home from Colorado to open a package from the UK that contained a beautiful thread landscape from Margaret at Lizzie Lenard Vintage Sewing .  Her work is amazing and the landscape came out gorgeous! I'm thrilled!!

As for me, I've had two of my DGS over for the week and no WIP work done at all, but we've had fun.  Last night (it's too hot during the day) we played miniature golf.  It was hilarious with those two. I'm so glad they are here and we can have fun together.

Budding Gamers both.
What are you up to? Would love to see it, whether finished or WIP progress or an old post, or even about what is going on in your life - not necessarily quilty. Share your goodness. Linky below ends Monday, midnight.  And I'm linking to Amanda's Finish it Up Friday, Richards Link A Finish Friday, Sarah's Can I get a Whoop, Whoop?, Lizzie Lenard's FMQ Mavericks because I did finish something (a baby quilt) and did some FMQ.  Here's the finish
and the back:
And here's the linky:


  1. Congrats with winning that beautiful landscape! You are lucky!!
    Must be fun to hav those boys with you!!!

  2. Good Morning Angie!

    Delighted to see the little slice of England in thread has arrived safely.

    Love to the boys - are they eating you out of house and home?

    Love, Muv

  3. the thread art is so pretty. Have a great day, I will be trying to finish prepping one more applique block

  4. Thanks for drawing my name for the book -- I look forward to receiving it. Also, thanks for the shout out about my quilt show. Enjoy your company! Sally

  5. Oh, gee, it's Friday already! I remember seeing that thread art and following a little of how she stitched it. It's amazing, and you are so lucky! Enjoy the last bit of time with those boys - making memories for all of you!

  6. Congratulations Sally and yes to you too are definitely a winner!! What a gorgeous landscape. Looks like you had a wonderful time with the DGS!! I finally got a couple of photo together plus the one of Allie and me in Austin....grin.

  7. Big congrats on winning Muv's landscape!! Awwwww, have fun with the grandsons, I'm looking forward to that age with Lucy. Your baby quilt is precious. Owls are really, really popular, too.

  8. Congrats to Sally, & to you - beautiful works!

  9. how good is that you have a give away and then win one yourself. Tried to add a link but must be doing something wrong as it does not seem to work

  10. Love that baby quilt! The owls are so cute :)

  11. don't know how i missed the linked up - thanks for reminding me :) beautiful works that you are doing


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

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