WIPs Be Gone & Giveaway

Week 25!  Back from San Francisco. Had a great time - more on that later. Came back late Wednesday, so didn't get much WIP progress as I felt so tired today.  Here's the bit I did get done
on a flower for WIP #3.  Almost ready to do some slow stitching on Sunday.

To thank you for all the eye candy you've been posting this year, I have a book giveaway.  
I was looking for a quilt book on my shelves and found I have two copies of this.  I haven't gotten to it, but I want to make a quilt out of it.  Don't let the blocks on the cover intimidate you - mostly fussy cutting really and very easy.  They have great paper templates inside.  

To win this copy, all you need to do is link a post with some eye candy to have a chance for it to be yours.  It doesn't have to be a WIP - all sorts of eye candy is eligible and very welcome - even projects you finished a while ago, haven't started, or are even dreaming about - it'll all be new to me. You can (1) link a blog post (an old one will do) or a photostream address. Or you can go to Michele's blog, and (2)leave a comment on what you think of her Visual Overload. Then (3) let me know.  New to her blog? Become a follower of hers and (4)let me know and you'll have four chances.  I'll pick a winner Tuesday morning after the linky party closes Monday, midnight.  Link button below.

I'm linking to Sarah's HeLP for Hexie-aholics and Sarah's Can I Get a Whoop, Whoop?. Lots of eye candy there.


  1. What a fun star!! I will try it to.

  2. What an interesting star, it reminded me that I've a GFG UFO around here somewhere that really needs to be completed.

  3. What a pretty star. And it looks quite difficult :)

  4. would love a chance at the book - looks interesting

  5. I really like your star, too. I like how the gray looks like light rays shining from the center.

  6. WOW, surely is a visual over load and as you said , it is a lot to absorb and needs several visits to her post to real appreciate it all. Thanks for sharing it Angie.

  7. Left comments on both blogs, Angie. :)

  8. Love your hexie star! It looks like Karen's technique? Maybe I'm wrong but I have yet to try it...someday!

  9. Love that hexie star. I haven't seen those before. The book looks interesting.

  10. Love that hexagon flower you're making! I will be linking up. Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. great hexie. From the cover the book looks a bit complicated to me

  12. That Visual Overload is just that--so much inspiring and awesome handwork--lovely!

  13. I love your star! I have the book you are giving away and have just made a quilt from it. It was a lot of fun and very easy. So, don't put me in for the giveaway.

  14. Just found your blog.. I also loved visual overload it sure was a ton of eye candy. I would love to win that book. Good luck to everyone.

  15. Visual Overload:such a lovely post! The stained glass is outstanding! I enjoyed seeing the needlework.

  16. GFC follower for William Morris in Quilting: nicolesender


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...