Hexie Friday here again

And what have you been up to?  Here, not much, still due to the heat, but the weather man is promising it will start cooling down tomorrow.  Do I believe him?  Well, there's  tropical storm Lorena moving up Baja, so I won't be surprised if we get more muggy, hot weather toward the end of next week.  I'll just enjoy the 92-97 days and say no more about it.  I'm such a wimp.
Here the bit I got done on my latest hexi flower:

How are you doing on yours?  I have a friend who started one 25 years ago.  She's almost there. How's that for persistence.  Linky below, and remember it doesn't have to be a hexagon project to link.  We like all kinds of eye candy - and it doesn't have to be a new post either - an old one will do if it's new to us.  Billie is taking a family break, but I know she'll be reading the NET in between events, so she'll be thrilled to see them, too.


  1. Our weather has cooled down, so I've been more "in the mood" to sew! That means more time at the machine and less in my "lazy-girl" chair, sewing hexagons!
    We'll be heading south in about a month and a half, so I'll be returning to warmer temperatures!
    Keep on stitching!

  2. Here's hoping that the weather cools down for you. I'm so ready for fall and cooler temperatures. Nice hexie!

  3. I sure hope it cools down for you soon. That's just way to hot for southern CA, more like the Midwest that we are use to, but oh not in the fall. Oh and with the kids back in school, that must be awful for them too.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

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