Hexie Weekend and a Finished Top

Did you see the 4 hexies I whipped out last week?  If not see the previous post.  I'm working on some more, but none finished yet.  I was home for a bit and did make the last Block Lotto block and finished putting it together.  I like it!
If I add any border it will probably be a narrow white border. You can see Sophie's masterpiece here.
I can now say I have a sampler quilt  top of my own. Now to quilt it.

I'm linking to Amanda's Finish it Up Fridays and Sarah's Can I get a Whoop, Whoop? ,and Bonnie at Quiltville. Link button below - it can be an old post - If you're like me, you're too busy right now - something from this past year will do.

Still concentrating on handwork as I'm still keeping Mom company to do some nursing duties.  We saw the surgeon today,  and he shared the the most wonderful news - she is definitely Stage One - the earliest type ever and will not need any other treatment.  Praise God!!

Hope you are having wonderful holy days!


  1. I thought I was finished with the 3rd border of hexies but now I think I need to add two more rows - it is time to lay it out on the bed one more time and see what I think of it from there.

  2. I wish you a fabulous Merry Christmas and fabulous New Year!!

  3. Your sampler for the year turned out really well! I love it. The colors are so nicely balanced.

  4. I really like the mixture of shapes and sizes of the blocks- a really dynamic quilt top!

  5. some interesting blocks in this quilt some I have not seen before

  6. That is a great quilt! It really caught my eye at Bonnie's Linky. My favorite blocks are the three asterisks on the right and the three circles on the bottom. Evidently, I like groupings of three! But the whole thing is wonderful. Thanks for sharing! Magistra13 at yahoo dot com

  7. YAHOO about grandma! And I love trying to figure out who is holding the quilt tops when you post pictures. I think I know who was holding this one!


  8. A Block Lotto sampler -- what a great idea! I've never ben able to join in but love idea of making some of the blocks into a sampler. Will have to watch the monthly postings more closely from now on! Thanks for sharing this one at Val's!!

  9. Visiting from Val's Tuesday Archives. I always check back to see if anyone posted after me (later posters seem to get fewer views). Glad I did. I really like your modern sampler: just enough variety; just enough similarity. You made the parts work together well.

  10. I find your Ssmpler original too. I like it!!! Thanks for archiving it under our Ssmplet theme!


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

2024 QUILT Year's End - a Review of the Quilts I made in this Year.

  Goodness!  I haven't posted since May! What a slug a bed I've been.  But I have been quilting.  You may notice that finishes were ...