Barely Some of This and That

First, what with all the heat, I barely sewed last weekend, so not much to report.  I did use a tad for extending that backing (was too narrow), made two more diasappearing pinwheels and generated some bias stems for an applique border for 0.9 yds from the stash.  So YTD total out is now 58.27 yds.  Last December my total for the year was 55 yards used - I'm on my way to reaching my goal of 100 yards out at this rate.  

So what did I do?  Here's the roll of top, batting, and back of my Carolina Christmas.

I'm waiting for when I have 2-3 hours of a free dining room table so I can sandwich it.

On my design wall, I've added those DP blocks.
I've learned a few things.  1) the background has to be the same on each block or the design doesn't stand out.  2) a large print doesn't work here (the flower fabric) - better to save and use it where it can be a focus unit.  3) the stripe looks too busy.  Alas - these will go in the orphan block pile or a center for a St Anne's quilt - still to decide.

And outside - lots of fried plants.  I watered them in the AM - they just couldn't withstand the 110+ temps.  But out my kitchen door, I got a surprise. These amaryllis sent out a stalk of flowers!  It may be because I forgot and left the hose on near them for quite a while one evening.  I hope your staying cool - those of you in the Northern Hemisphere.  I have been humbled after reading about Phoenix, AZ - they had some 122 degree days and eight people died!  I'll stop complaining.  It could be worse.  

Last week's winner of that book is Moira.  I've sent her an email.  Thank you for participating in the giveaway, faithful readers.  There might be another one this coming Friday.  Blessings.


  1. liking the DP block must have a go at that, I do love hot weather but not sure could cope with those temperatures

  2. I like you analysis of which patterns work and which don't. I'm always thinking along those lines.

    You poor things in the heat! I have been in 117 F before and it hurts to breathe. We in the east have had rain storm upon storm. Our yard and gardens are growing mushrooms, and overall it's been a cool summer. I pray you'll find some relief soon, but perhaps too late for the flowers. Take care of yourselves and your neighbors.

  3. I learn something new with each quilt as well. Happy sewing.

  4. Most people in Phoenix and Tucson have desert plants, so they can withstand the heat. =) The low humidity helps, too. I lived there for many years, in Phoenix, and every few years there's a summer like this. I can see your problem with the blocks, but I wonder what it would be like if they were all like the blue ones. I did like those two fabrics together. Or maybe stripping in between them?


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

Flimsy Coming Soon

Three days of playing with scraps and yardage. Just need 2 borders to make this a finished baby quilt flimsy. Blessings,