Some of This, Some of That

Working on the commission quilt, I had to pull some white solid from my stash - another 1/2 yd gone. Made two more stars and 4 more hour glasses - another 1/2 yd.  Made an SS block 

- another .03 yd for a total of 1.03 yards used last week.  That brings me back to  a YTD total of 41.86 yds.

Over the weekend I was able to get back to my ancient WIP and hand stitched two motifs and prepped another - way behind there as I wanted to do one a day. I've also started on the actual star round for the Gwennie QAL - meaning I'm prepping the applique that goes with those hexi stars I made.  

In making the commission quilt I discovered a trick if you need to cut two diagonals and you don't have a rotating cutting mat (I do, but I can't find it!).

 Place your block on-point on your (stationary -lol)cutting mat. Line up the ruler from point to point. Make your first cut.
Now move your ruler horizontally to line up to the other two corners. Make your second cut.  LOL - it took me forever to stumble on this trick of not having to contort myself to cut that second diagonal.  It may be an old trick to you, or you've seen it done elsewhere (if so, congrats). I'm just so glad I found this as now my cutting is more precise.  That's always a good thing.

So what are you up to?  Leave me a comment and I'll come by.  Off to link up to some parties (tab above). And  heads up:  I'll be having a welcome back WIPs Be Gone this Friday with giveaways!


  1. Or you can save the money the rotating mat costs and just put a small mat on top of a bigger one and rotate it! Actually, I've used your trick, too.

  2. Nice trick and the tip to use a smaller mat is good too


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

Back to Quilting

  Back to quilting.  After my mishap, it was slow going to return to working in the sewing room. Since I could only piece, I began two more ...