Design Wall Monday 1/23/12

Not much quilting getting done. Besides still feeling poorly, the sewing room is too cold for me. Today, I went in there and it was 62. Brrr. I do have a portable heater but it blows air and so the wind chill keeps it not to my liking. In the meantime, I've been sitting in the living room and keeping warm and embroidering. Almost done - have a few leaves and a corner to do.  This is the first block of Jenny of Elefantz BOM for 2012. See my sidebar.

What's on your design wall? Go on over to Judy's Patchwork Times and BOM's Away (on sidebar) and see how others are staying out of mischief.


  1. The embroidery is looking good! Hope your feeling better soon.

  2. That is a sweet little embroidery. Dont like the sound of that cold weather. We are in the middle of a mild summer. Just my type of weather. Hope you feel on top of things again soon.

  3. Love your little birdie. Feel better soon. Go pile on the covers and have a cup of coffee!

  4. You've done a fabulous job on the embroidery for that block. This is definitely on my want-to-do list, if I could figure out a way to do it without the embroidery.

  5. I kive your embroidery.Hope you feel better soon!

  6. Hey, it's almost finished. :D I wouldn't want to hang out in a cold room, either. Nice to see you at BOMs Away.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

Back to Quilting

  Back to quilting.  After my mishap, it was slow going to return to working in the sewing room. Since I could only piece, I began two more ...