My UFO 2011 List

My progress this Thursday is I found the 12 UFOs plus 3 extra for the upcoming challenge.  I didn't have to look far - they were all on the rocking chair!  I'm doing Judy's UFO Challenge for 2011.  You can find the button for this on my left sidebar.  Here are the ones of the many I have that I am going to work on in 2011. I'm suppose to finish one per month as she calls them (number that is).

1.  Floral charm square exchange to make a lattice quilt - least done on this one.

2.  Women's Voices blocks made by Dorothy

 3.  Mod quilt I need to QAYG.

4.  BOM quilt only 3 blocks made so far - 9 to go!

 5. Mary Ellen Hopkins - design your own quilt - I started with the cat panel block and came up with this top I call it "Watching all the Birds go By"

6.  Charity quilt top I made making blocks I saw in a Connecting Threads catalog.

7.  My Carolina Christmas blocks - I'd sure like to get this done before NEXT Christmas!  Please call this number early, Judy.

8.  My daughter's quilt that I"ve worked on this year until I put the wrong fabric as a backing when making a row by QAYG.  I wasn't thinking!
 9.  A Judy Sisneros pattern and kit  needs to be sanwiched and quilted.

10.  Here's my coverlet - sure would be nice to finish it by July to go on our bed.

11. A quilt I wanted to finish for Leo that I'll now finish for Alan.

12.  My grandson, William, arranged these blocks when he was 3 years old for me to quilt.  He's 8.

If I finish a UFO early in the month I"ll work on these:
   A.  Here is another BOM set I won - these are made from Christmas material.

B.  The Shop Hop Blocks

C.  Two fabrics I must make into something this year - maybe not a quilt project.


  1. Great mom! I am so proud for you to get so much done - I know you did a lot in 2010 and I bet 2011 is even better. Good thing you'll get the rocking chair cleared off - you'll need it for all that rocking you'll be doing in 2011 when Alan is over to visit. He likes ROCKING!

  2. Angie,

    I have so many UFOs, but then you know that....grin. I just put a button on my page for The Confused Quilters 2011 UFOs. Looks like we all have the same idea. My goal is to only finish two through the quilting stage....LOL.

    That alone may be too much pressure.


  3. hi are braver than me. I have most
    of my Ufo,s in a designated area, kinda sorta.
    But, many many of them are missing parts or directions that I know are burried in the mess.

    My sewing room is a major desastor, storage area
    is worse...heaps and piles. I was trying to get the mess organized but made finding peices and parts harder. I finely started giving each project its own box and as I find its parts I add them to the box. I have shelves and bookcases in the garage that fabric is slowly being sorted by color or type. after a year it is still chaos.

    I am at this point not going to try Judys challenge...hopefully next year I will be able to. Enjoy your challenge with Judy, she is so much fun.

  4. I had to laugh about the blocks your grandson arranged when he was three.

  5. Wow, great list. You can do it - good luck!

  6. Good luck with these projects. I have the same fabric shown in your Number 12. It's from a blanket made for my grandson. I ended up making Quilts for Kids blocks from the left overs.

  7. What a great list! I just joined the challenge and I'm looking forward to following along with everyone's challenge. I also have a Bonnie Hunter quilt on my list!

  8. I seriously am in love with No. 11 the duck quilt. It is so cute!

  9. Well, you have some very pretty things to work on this year. Good luck. I'm betting we both get some of our UFO's finished by the end of next year.

  10. I laughed at the quilt designed by your 3yo grandson... and now he is 8 - I totally GET that!!! Good luck!

  11. Hmmm. I wasn't expecting a 2010 post! You were doing a lot back then, too!

  12. You must be working on a different UFO! The Carolina blocks are really pretty.


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  Back to quilting.  After my mishap, it was slow going to return to working in the sewing room. Since I could only piece, I began two more ...