From a Distance

I've finished another quilt - my first UFO for the year. If you are new to quilting - ufo means unfinished object, and boy, do I have a lot of those. My goal this year is to finish 12 of them. One a month, and I'm already 3 months behind so I'm going to have to go into high gear here. I call my latest "from a distance" because from a distance 'the quilting doesn't look too bad - LOL. I consider myself still a novice quilter and this one because of the size and the fabric was a real challenge. It is for my friend, Torre. She gave me the cross stitched blocks, my mom assembled the top. I then removed 2 blank middle squares and added 2 more cross-stitched ones in their place and then quilted it. The back is all white except for the binding - kind of looks like a whole cloth quilt. Book-wise, have been doing my schedule C and all that entails, so no time for reading. In my kitchen garden, I have freesias in bloom, the chrysanthemums in bud, a stock blooming, white geranium, alyssum, felicia, and one lovely rose all in bloom. Spring is here in Riverside. Has Spring reached you yet?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Karen. She loved it when I gave it to her. She was very surprised. LOL well, it had been years since she gave me the blocks. Will post done UFO soon - that makes 2 for 09.


Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. I try to reply to each and every one of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you understand. Blessings.

Back to Quilting

  Back to quilting.  After my mishap, it was slow going to return to working in the sewing room. Since I could only piece, I began two more ...